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During the Philippine International Bookfair, my fifth book (and fourth with New Day Publishers), "A Tourist Guide to Notable Philippine Museums" was launched at the New Day Publishers booth at the SMX in Pasay City.
Museums play a big role in molding a modern community; its purpose and importance based on the nature of its collections. Generally every museum “makes objects accessible to the public, to researchers, and to other institutions; and ensures the long-term safety and preservation of the collections.
In the Philippines, museums are found in just about every region and province in the country as well as in many universities, colleges and even private corporations. A convenient practice, then and now, is to house museums in converted old palaces, old monasteries, seminaries or convents, old churches, old mansions, archaeological sites, old schools, old city halls and historically significant buildings. Others are unusually housed in an eighteenth century water tank and a tobacco storage house.
Museums also range in size from huge and medium-size ultramodern glass and concrete structures to small, old Spanish-era stone houses with antique furniture, and vary in architectural styles from the Spanish-era bahay na bato, the American-era Neo-Classical and the modern. Many museums display the memorabilia of the many of the country’s famous and historic personalities, religious artifacts, local and international art and war memorabilia.
Museums also exhibit just about anything under the sun and many display specific items such as shoes, stamps, coins and paper money, photos, pianos, church bells and costumes and dolls as well as natural subjects such as shells, butterflies and rice, our country’s staple food, and even the subject of disease. Many also tackle the world of science and technology and political history. A number cater to children while other museums highlight the influence of other races in the development of our country.
The book is available at select National Bookstores and Powerbook outlets. You can also email New Day Publishers at sales@newdaypublishers.com and newday@pworld.com.ph for details, or call telephone numbers 928-8046 and 927-5982. You can also order, via the internet, at www.newdaypublishers.com.